Oakland Unified School readiness Dashboard
Reopening measures are reported along five categories: Rooms, Custodial, Safety, Facilities, and Engagement. Below, the standards used to evaluate readiness are described, with links to more detailed information.
PPE Standard |
In compliance with Alameda County Public Health Orders, all adults and children in grades K-12 should wear masks/face coverings any time outside the home. Staff and students who have a cloth mask that works for their needs can and should continue to use their own masks when on school campuses.
OUSD will provide access to masks and face shields for staff and students who do not have their own or who forget to bring theirs to school. The following PPE will be provided to our schools to resume in-person services for students. The type, quantity, and frequency of replenishment is based on state and local guidelines, is in alignment with other district standards, and has been reviewed by a team of UCSF physicians supporting school reopening. Click here for more information. |
Ventilation Standard |
Ventilation alone cannot prevent the spread of COVID19, but along with physical distancing, reducing the number of individuals in a room, and consistent wearing of masks, ventilation can help replace indoor air with outdoor or filtered air, which reduces the amount of COVID19 aerosolized droplets inside a room. The following spaces meet ASHRAE and Alameda County Public Health Guidance for ventilation that can help reduce the spread of COVID19. As the guidance is updated based on new research and understanding of transmission patterns and science, we will also update our internal standard for ventilation. At each school, we have identified the spaces that meet these standards, and the number of students who can be served in these spaces with 6ft physical distancing throughout the space. Click here for more information.
Cleaning Standard |
NEED TEXT. Click here for more information.
Family Engagement Standard |
NEED TEXT. Click here for more information.