Oakland Unified School District's
california healthy kids survey
Welcome to OUSD’s CHKS website. Our goal is to enable you to explore and understand your school’s data faster and more intuitively, so that you can better use it to guide your continuous improvement efforts.
Below are the survey results beginning from 2015-16. Each survey group (Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Parents and Staff) has a number of dashboards where you can view the data in different ways.
If this is your first time using this tool we recommend you start by reading through the ‘About CHKS’ section and reviewing the help information posted under ‘Guides’.
Below are the survey results beginning from 2015-16. Each survey group (Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Parents and Staff) has a number of dashboards where you can view the data in different ways.
If this is your first time using this tool we recommend you start by reading through the ‘About CHKS’ section and reviewing the help information posted under ‘Guides’.
For comments or questions about this dashboard, please email Scout Leonard at scout.leonard@ousd.org.