Public Dashboard List
Below is a list of all dashboards produced by the Data Team at Research, Assessment & Data. All dashboards include several years of data with aggregate level visualizations. Each dashboard can be sorted by district, network, and school level views with filters on subgroups ranging from gender, ethnicity, fluency status, and more. Read our Quick Start Guide for a brief summary of basic features, then click on any of the links below for more information and access to the dashboards.
Note: When there is a total of 10 or fewer students in a particular student group, no summary data is provided in order to protect student confidentiality.
Note: When there is a total of 10 or fewer students in a particular student group, no summary data is provided in order to protect student confidentiality.
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Grades PS-5 - This dashboard is for the i-Ready Reading Diagnostic. First year newcomers are exempt from testing in reading.
Grade 5, 7, and 9 - The main goal of the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. The PFT is made up of six different fitness areas (aerobic capacity, body composition, abdominal strength, trunk extensor strength, upper body strength, and flexibility). These dashboards visualize the percent and number of students who are performing in the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ): desired performance standard that represents the level of fitness associated with good health. Grades 2-12 - Student performance on SRI by district, network, school and student subgroup. Results are available for all administrations of the SRI since 2011-12. Grades 3-8 and 11 - Data shown here is both the overall student performance level for ELA and Math, as well as the performance level for the claim, or unit subscore, in different dimensions of the test. There is no scaled score for the claims. Results are from Spring 2015. DF3 is a measure of how far away a student's score is from the score needed to meet standards for grade level. |
Assessments Spring 2020-21
Grades 3-5
- ELA: i-Ready Reading - Math: i-Ready Math Grades 6-8, 11 - Reading Inventory - Math Inventory |
Given the specific challenges presented by the shift to hybrid learning by districts at this time, the state has allowed for local assessments that meet specific criteria to be utilized by school districts in lieu of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) assessments.
Attendance & Discipline
Grades TK-12 - Percent instructional days attended in 2020-21.
Grades TK-12 - Chronically absent students are students who miss more than 10% of school days. The Chronic Absence dashboard shows 4 years of data for students who have satisfactory attendance, or are at risk, moderately or severely chronically absent. Grades TK-12 - Suspensions in this case refer to out-of-school suspensions, not on-campus suspensions or office referrals that do not result in removing a student from school. This dashboard also includes information on the average and total number of days suspended. |
Covid-19 Response
One page infographic with data on meal distribution centers, meals distributed, meals donated to staff, and other donations related to diapers, pet food, rides and plants.
Data includes OUSD-run indoor in-person hybrid support hub programs for TK-12 schools, early childhood, and the young adult programs. Percent and number of responses submitted by families and staff using the mandatory student preferences (MSP). One page infographic with data on food & basic needs, school-based clinics, distance learning, and COVID-19 relief funds. Optimal layouts for students and teachers for the given room size. Various survey responses related to COVID-19 response. Data by district, network, school and demographics on students who need internet, need computers, need both, or have both. Completion rates for the Tech Check Survey. |
Early Childhood Education
The EDI is a community snapshot of children’s health, development, and school readiness. The results inform place-based planning to optimize healthy development for all young children.
The OUSD Preschool Experience Study explores the kinds of early learning experiences OUSD students had prior to enrolling in OUSD Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten in 2016-17 classrooms. |
English Language Learners
Grades K-12 – View summary annual assessment data by performance level for each section of the ELPAC.
Grades K-12 – View summary data on students who meet the ELPAC requirement for reclassification. For Grades K-2, English Language Learners must score no less than a 4 in each overall section of the ELPAC and no less than a 3 for each domain. For Grades 3-12, students must score no less than a 3 in each overall section of the ELPAC. Grades K-12 - Updated reclassification rates for 2016-17 are based on the number of actively enrolled ELLs that attended the same school from both the first Wednesday of October (CBEDs Day) and End of Year enrollment lists. The total number of RFEPs include ELLs that were reclassified in the spring and fall of the same year. These changes in our calculations were made to give more credit and weight to the work carried out by schools within the current academic year. |
Grades K-12 - Reclassification rates reported in this dashboard are based on the number of actively enrolled ELL students from the previous academic year who were reclassified in the following academic year. The total number of RFEPs include ELLs that were reclassified in the fall of the previous year and the spring of the current year.
Grades K-12 – Compares annual assessment performance levels from one academic year to performance level data from the previous academic year. Growth includes students with a performance level of 5 for two consecutive years. Slide includes students with a performance level of 1 for two consecutive years. Grades K-12 – View summary annual assessment data by performance level for each section of the CELDT (listen, speak, read, write, and overall). Grades K-12 – View summary data on students who meet the CELDT requirement for reclassification. For Grades K-2, English Language Learners must score no less than a 4 or 5 in every section of the CELDT. For Grades 3-12, students must score a 4 or 5 overall, with no less than a 3 in any other section of the CELDT. |
Grades K-12 - Enrollment dashboards are based on official enrollment numbers from the state. "Official enrollment" refers to the number released by the California Department of Education in the Spring of the academic year. View enrollment by grade, gender, and ethnicity. Data for this dashboard is available from 2001-02 through 2014-15.
Grades 5, 6, 8, and 9 - What schools did our grade 6 and 9, 2015-16 students come from in 2014-15? What schools did our grade 5 and 8, 2014-15 students go to in 2015-16? Use this dashboard to begin answering some of these questions. Live/Go Data & Maps are an annual tabular and visual representation of where Oakland students live and where they attend school. Every year, OUSD runs an enrollment lottery for student placement across the district for the following school year. Families submit applications for their top choices in the winter and receive a school assignment offer letter in the spring. Families can elect to accept or decline the assignment generated by the lottery. Note that all applicants are also placed on waitlists for those schools that they ranked higher than the school for which they received an offer. In the 2018-19 school year, we began running multiple lotteries following the initial lottery run. These were created to ensure that unclaimed seats from the initial lottery would be available to families who submitted applications after the first lottery deadline. |
Fast Facts and Infographics
In 2019, Oakland Unified School District's Prescott Elementary School celebrated 150 years of educating students with a sesquicentennial celebration on Saturday, May 4, 2019. Learn more about one of OUSD's oldest schools with our 150 Years of Prescott timeline and fact sheet.
Fast Facts was designed to give you quick access to basic numbers and information on OUSD. What is our total enrollment? What is our total number of schools? What percentage of our student population is eligible for free or reduced price lunch? All these answers and more can be found on our infographic. Unhoused student fact sheet. Did you know that the Yemeni American community has long been established in Oakland, California? Did you know that Yemeni students are the 3rd largest group of newcomers in Oakland Unified School District? Do you know how many Yemeni students speak Arabic in OUSD? Can you point to Yemen on a map? Learn more about Yemeni students enrolled at OUSD with this brand new fact sheet! |
Fiscal Transparency
These dashboards display budget and fiscal data. There are five tabs (Glossary, Revenues, Expenditures Overview, Expenditure Code Deep Dive, and Expenditures Build Your Own) that allow you to explore both revenues and expenses divided in a variety of ways.
Human Capital
Analytics |
All Staff Dashboard - 2019-20
2021-22 All Staff Retention Survey 2018 2019 2021 Hiring Season Summary Staff Retention Teacher Credentials Report Teacher Data 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 |
Overview of OUSD and OEA staff characteristics. Includes job categories & classes, ethnicity, gender and bargaining units.
Dashboard with five different retention analysis: bargaining unit, school leaders, teachers districtwide, teachers at sites, and teachers by demographics. Certificated hiring season summary reports for multiple years in PDF format. This dashboard displays analyses of retention of different staff groups. There are three districtwide analyses: retention by bargaining unit, retention of school leaders, and retention of teachers. There is also a deeper dive analysis into teacher retention at school sites. Provides information on the credential statuses of all teachers. By providing information on OUSD teachers and their credentials, the teacher credentials report can inform discussions about supports needed around credentialing. Available as PDFs. This dashboard provides access to OUSD teacher data at the aggregate level. Data can be viewed districtwide or by particular networks or funding sites. Data points included are contract status, due for evaluation, salary step as a proxy for years experience, ethnicity, gender, and PEC. |
Post Secondary Readiness
Percent of 12th grade graduates who met the A-G / College Entrance Requirements, a sequence of high school courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be minimally eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU). Data comes from the California Department of Education and is available for graduates between 2012 and 2014.
Grades 10-12 - Percent of OUSD high school students in Grades 10-12 enrolled in Advanced Placement courses. Calculated at the district, school, and subgroup level for school years 2011-12 through 2014-15. Grade 12 - Percent and number of OUSD high school students who graduated, dropped out, or are still enrolled in school four years after entering 9th grade. OUSD graduation data comes from recently released student-level data sets from the California Department of Education, which tracks public school enrollments statewide to see if students who departed during high school graduated in another school district. Grade 8 - A new metric introduced in August 2015, High School readiness measures the degree to which 8th grade students are prepared for the rigor and expectations of high school. The combination of attendance, behavior, and course grades is used to gauge middle school students’ likelihood to succeed in high school. Calculated at the district, school, and subgroup level for school years 2011-12 through 2014-15. Grades 10-12 - Percent of high school students participating in career pathways. Pathways are a set of high school courses and work-based learning experiences that link academic learning to real world careers and college majors. Calculated at the district, school, and subgroup level for school years 2011-12 through 2014-15. |
School Health, Culture & Climate
Survey results beginning from 2015-16. Each survey group (Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, Parents and Staff) has a number of dashboards where you can view the data in different ways.
Strategic Planning & Accountability
California School Dashboard Results for Alameda County
School Performance Frame (SPF) - Status SPF - Growth SCHOOL RESULTS SPF - K-5 SPF - 6-8 SPF - 9-12 Strategic Regional Analysis (SRA) 2016-17 SRA Executive Summary 2016-17 SRA Dashboard 2016-17 SRA School Based Dashboard SRA Archives |
Use the LEA Results Tab to view the results on all available measures for a selected School District in Alameda County. Additional resources and CDE-generated reports will be available here following the public release:
Shows histograms of the performance of the all students group across schools for each of the SPF measures. Shows histograms of the annual change in performance of the all students group across schools for each of the SPF measures. This dashboard shows how much progress sites have made in their results from the 2015 SPF release. In each dashboard, the results are displayed in four separate pages, one for each of academic status, academic growth, culture/climate status and culture/climate growth. The status tabs show the results for the prior year of available data (2015-16 for all measures except A-G completion and graduation rate). The growth tabs show the cross-sectional change in the status values across the last two years of available data (e.g., 2014-15 to 2015-16). Here, growth is not a measure of the change in individual student performance from one year to the next. Rather, the measure of growth here is cross-sectional growth, which evaluates how the result itself changed from one year to the next (e.g., the difference in the % of students reading at grade level between two years). The Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Strategic Regional Analysis (SRA) is an annual analysis of trends in performance, demographics, school choice, and capacity utilization, highlighting regions and their most immediate needs, integral to the development, maintenance and enhancement of Community Quality Schools. Shared factors for students and families living in different parts of Oakland with respect to income/poverty, language, race/ethnicity and culture were examined to delineate regional boundaries. |