More information on the
Oakland public school report cards
In early 2017, the state of California adopted a new method of evaluating school quality across the state that includes multiple measures of student performance. This new accountability system is composed of two sets of measures - 6 state-specified measures that are common across schools and local educational agencies (LEAs) and 5 local measures that can vary somewhat between schools and LEAs. Each year, the California Department of Education (CDE) gathers the data needed to calculate results for each of the state measures and report the results publicly via the California School Dashboard. It is the results for these common state measures that are used in the Oakland Public School Report Cards, focusing on re-presenting the information in a simple, single-page display for each school.
Click HERE or HERE to view CDE resources on the 2018 dashboard.
Click HERE or HERE to view CDE resources on the 2018 dashboard.
The California School Dashboard has 6 state indicators and 5 local indicators. The state indicators are Academic (ELA and Math), Graduation rate, Suspension rate, English Learner Progress, and College/Career preparedness. The performance categories for the state measures are blue, green, yellow, orange, and red, from high to low performing.
Unlike the state indicators which are calculated by the California Department of Education for all publicly funded schools and districts, the five local indicators are calculated/reported by individual local educational agencies or school districts. The performance levels for the local indicators are met, not met, and not met for two or more years.
What is being measured by the Oakland Public School Report Card?
Each of the measures in the state model captures the status and year over year change in performance of students. Together, the combination of Status and Change results are then translated into a Performance result using a set of cut points that were established separately for each measure. These cut points are based on the distribution of results across all publicly-funded California schools. For Status, results are categorized as "very high", "high", "medium", "low" or "very low". For Change, results are categorized as "significantly increased", "increased", "maintained", "declined", or "significantly declined". For Performance, these 5 levels of status and change are combined using a reference grid to give rise to a final result color of red, orange, yellow, green or blue. Here, blue means that a school performed among the best of all California schools (in terms of status and change combined), and red means that a school performed worse than most of California schools (in terms of status and change combined).
The measures (and relevant gradespans) for which full data are currently available are the Academic Indicator for ELA and Math (grades 3-8 and 11), Graduation Rate (9-12), Suspension Rate (K-12), Chronic Absenteeism (K-8), and College/Career (9-12). As of Fall 2018, English Learner Progress (K-12) Indicator results were suspended for one year due to the switch to a new English Language Proficiency exam (the ELPAC). For Fall 2019, only status will be reported, and unlike for other measures, the status result will be translated into a color for the purposes of satisfying federal education requirements for support designations. See the descriptions of individual measures below for information on what school year data are available in the current release (see also this CDE page).
Each of the measures in the state model captures the status and year over year change in performance of students. Together, the combination of Status and Change results are then translated into a Performance result using a set of cut points that were established separately for each measure. These cut points are based on the distribution of results across all publicly-funded California schools. For Status, results are categorized as "very high", "high", "medium", "low" or "very low". For Change, results are categorized as "significantly increased", "increased", "maintained", "declined", or "significantly declined". For Performance, these 5 levels of status and change are combined using a reference grid to give rise to a final result color of red, orange, yellow, green or blue. Here, blue means that a school performed among the best of all California schools (in terms of status and change combined), and red means that a school performed worse than most of California schools (in terms of status and change combined).
The measures (and relevant gradespans) for which full data are currently available are the Academic Indicator for ELA and Math (grades 3-8 and 11), Graduation Rate (9-12), Suspension Rate (K-12), Chronic Absenteeism (K-8), and College/Career (9-12). As of Fall 2018, English Learner Progress (K-12) Indicator results were suspended for one year due to the switch to a new English Language Proficiency exam (the ELPAC). For Fall 2019, only status will be reported, and unlike for other measures, the status result will be translated into a color for the purposes of satisfying federal education requirements for support designations. See the descriptions of individual measures below for information on what school year data are available in the current release (see also this CDE page).
Academic Indicator - ELA and Math*
The academic indicator is actually made up of two separate measures (English Language Arts or ELA and Math) derived from student performance on the standardized state assessments in ELA and Math, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test and California Alternate Assessment (CAA). Status is calculated as the distance in scale score from the lowest score needed to meet standards, averaged across students, and change is calculated as the difference in this average distance from standard (DFS) between the two most recent years of available data. CAA results are translated into SBAC DFS results using a top of range conversion. The results for this indicator are reported separately for ELA and Math and apply only to students in grades 3-8 and 11. In the Fall 2019 release, data for status are from the 2018-19 school year and change represents the difference in results from 2017-18. Click HERE for more information on the Academic Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Grade 11 results are now reported and have new cut points for determining performance levels. DFS abbreviation replaces DFM abbreviation.
*Changes in Fall 2019 reporting - Separate cut points were established for color results for DASS schools.
Graduation Rate Indicator*
For traditional schools, the graduation rate indicator is a measure of the four year cohort graduation rate plus 5-year graduates and the change between this rate and that of the prior year. In the Fall 2019 release, data for status are from the 2018-19 school year and change represents the difference in results from 2017-18. District-wide graduation rate results now include alternative school data, which utilize a one year graduation rate calculation rather than the standard graduation rate calculation described here. Click HERE for more information on the Graduation Rate Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Prior to Fall 2018, graduation rate change was measured against the prior 3 year average; Alternative schools now show one year graduation rate results for this indicator; Changes to which students count as graduates; Safety net methodology (removal of increased sig. and declined sig. from reference grids when fewer than 150 students are in the cohort) applied to student groups.
*Changes in Fall 2019 reporting - cut points were updated to have a floor of 68%. This year, 5 year graduates are included in both the numerator and denominator in the calculation of graduation rate. Graduation rate for the prior year has been recalculated for use in determination of year over year change on the Fall 2019 dashboard for this measure.
College Career Indicator*
This indicator measures the percentage of students who graduate and complete at least one additional requirement preparing the student for college and career and the change in this rate from one year to the next. As of the Fall 2019 release, status data are from the 2018-19 school year and change is measured relative to the 2017-18 school year. Click HERE for more information on the College/Career Indicator. See also THIS description from the CDE.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Status, change, and performance data are now available. New criteria for preparedness include the State Seal of Biliteracy and Military Leadership (ROTC) training. Alternative (DASS) Schools will use a one year graduation cohort (as is applied in their Fall 2018 graduation rate indicator) in calculating the college/career indicator results.
English Learner Progress Indicator*
The English Learner Progress indicator measures the rate at which English Learners (ELs) make progress toward English Language proficiency. English Learners are included in the numerator for gaining at least one English Language Proficiency Assessment (CELDT or ELPAC) performance level, or maintaining Early Advanced or Advanced Proficient status. In prior releases, long-term English Learners who gained at least one performance level were also counted again in the numerator to emphasize the importance of progress in this student group. In all releases, students must have test scores in both the current and prior years to be included. For the Fall 2019 release, status was measured using data from 2018-19 and no change results are available since only 2 years of data are as yet available using the new English Language proficiency assessment (ELPAC). Note that in prior releases, if 50% of the EL population in a school were not tested, the EL Progress indicator result for that school was automatically assigned an orange result. In the Fall 2019 release, no color results are yet available. Click HERE for more information on the English Learner Progress Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Results for this indicator were not included in Fall 2018 due to the switch to a new English Language Proficiency assessment.
*Changes in Fall 2019 reporting - Results for status for this indicator only will be included in Fall 2019 to satisfy federal education code requirements. Status will be used in support designations for one year in lieu of a color performance result for this indicator.
Suspension Rate Indicator*
The suspensions indicator measures the rate of suspending students (in and out of school; one student suspended more than once is counted only once) and the change in this rate between the two most recent years of available data. In the Fall 2019 release, data for status are from the 2018-19 school year and change represents the difference in results from 2017-18. Click HERE for more information on the Suspension Rate Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - application of safety net methodology (removal of increased sig. and declined sig. from reference grids when fewer than 150 students are cumulatively enrolled) to student groups.
Chronic Absenteeism Indicator*
This indicator shows the percentage of students in grades TK-8 who missed 10% or more days of school and the change in this rate from one year to the next. Students must be enrolled for 31 days in a school or district to be included. The data for status in the Fall 2019 release are from 2018-19 and change is measured as the difference between the rate from 2017-18 to 2018-19. This indicator was not included prior to the Fall 2018 release. Click HERE for more information on the Chronic Absenteeism Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Data are now available; Safety net methodology (removal of increased sig. and declined sig. from reference grids when fewer than 150 students are cumulatively enrolled) will be applied to the all student results and to results for student groups.
Glossary of Terms
ELA - English Language Arts
English Learners - students who are not yet proficient in speaking, reading and writing in the English Language
Socioeconomically disadvantaged/low income - students who fulfill either of the following criteria: neither parent has a high school diploma or the student qualifies for the national free/reduced price lunch program
Result Translation to Color
5x5 reference grids show how performance is translated from the combination of status and change. For some indicators, a single grid can be used in this result translation (like Graduation) regardless of school or LEA type, whereas for others there are a set of reference grids that are relevant only for a given LEA or school type.
Click HERE to view the reference grids for previous releases of the CA School dashboard.
Click HERE to view the reference grids for previous releases of the CA School dashboard.
Additional resources and CDE-generated reports are available using the links below:
The academic indicator is actually made up of two separate measures (English Language Arts or ELA and Math) derived from student performance on the standardized state assessments in ELA and Math, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test and California Alternate Assessment (CAA). Status is calculated as the distance in scale score from the lowest score needed to meet standards, averaged across students, and change is calculated as the difference in this average distance from standard (DFS) between the two most recent years of available data. CAA results are translated into SBAC DFS results using a top of range conversion. The results for this indicator are reported separately for ELA and Math and apply only to students in grades 3-8 and 11. In the Fall 2019 release, data for status are from the 2018-19 school year and change represents the difference in results from 2017-18. Click HERE for more information on the Academic Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Grade 11 results are now reported and have new cut points for determining performance levels. DFS abbreviation replaces DFM abbreviation.
*Changes in Fall 2019 reporting - Separate cut points were established for color results for DASS schools.
Graduation Rate Indicator*
For traditional schools, the graduation rate indicator is a measure of the four year cohort graduation rate plus 5-year graduates and the change between this rate and that of the prior year. In the Fall 2019 release, data for status are from the 2018-19 school year and change represents the difference in results from 2017-18. District-wide graduation rate results now include alternative school data, which utilize a one year graduation rate calculation rather than the standard graduation rate calculation described here. Click HERE for more information on the Graduation Rate Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Prior to Fall 2018, graduation rate change was measured against the prior 3 year average; Alternative schools now show one year graduation rate results for this indicator; Changes to which students count as graduates; Safety net methodology (removal of increased sig. and declined sig. from reference grids when fewer than 150 students are in the cohort) applied to student groups.
*Changes in Fall 2019 reporting - cut points were updated to have a floor of 68%. This year, 5 year graduates are included in both the numerator and denominator in the calculation of graduation rate. Graduation rate for the prior year has been recalculated for use in determination of year over year change on the Fall 2019 dashboard for this measure.
College Career Indicator*
This indicator measures the percentage of students who graduate and complete at least one additional requirement preparing the student for college and career and the change in this rate from one year to the next. As of the Fall 2019 release, status data are from the 2018-19 school year and change is measured relative to the 2017-18 school year. Click HERE for more information on the College/Career Indicator. See also THIS description from the CDE.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Status, change, and performance data are now available. New criteria for preparedness include the State Seal of Biliteracy and Military Leadership (ROTC) training. Alternative (DASS) Schools will use a one year graduation cohort (as is applied in their Fall 2018 graduation rate indicator) in calculating the college/career indicator results.
English Learner Progress Indicator*
The English Learner Progress indicator measures the rate at which English Learners (ELs) make progress toward English Language proficiency. English Learners are included in the numerator for gaining at least one English Language Proficiency Assessment (CELDT or ELPAC) performance level, or maintaining Early Advanced or Advanced Proficient status. In prior releases, long-term English Learners who gained at least one performance level were also counted again in the numerator to emphasize the importance of progress in this student group. In all releases, students must have test scores in both the current and prior years to be included. For the Fall 2019 release, status was measured using data from 2018-19 and no change results are available since only 2 years of data are as yet available using the new English Language proficiency assessment (ELPAC). Note that in prior releases, if 50% of the EL population in a school were not tested, the EL Progress indicator result for that school was automatically assigned an orange result. In the Fall 2019 release, no color results are yet available. Click HERE for more information on the English Learner Progress Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Results for this indicator were not included in Fall 2018 due to the switch to a new English Language Proficiency assessment.
*Changes in Fall 2019 reporting - Results for status for this indicator only will be included in Fall 2019 to satisfy federal education code requirements. Status will be used in support designations for one year in lieu of a color performance result for this indicator.
Suspension Rate Indicator*
The suspensions indicator measures the rate of suspending students (in and out of school; one student suspended more than once is counted only once) and the change in this rate between the two most recent years of available data. In the Fall 2019 release, data for status are from the 2018-19 school year and change represents the difference in results from 2017-18. Click HERE for more information on the Suspension Rate Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - application of safety net methodology (removal of increased sig. and declined sig. from reference grids when fewer than 150 students are cumulatively enrolled) to student groups.
Chronic Absenteeism Indicator*
This indicator shows the percentage of students in grades TK-8 who missed 10% or more days of school and the change in this rate from one year to the next. Students must be enrolled for 31 days in a school or district to be included. The data for status in the Fall 2019 release are from 2018-19 and change is measured as the difference between the rate from 2017-18 to 2018-19. This indicator was not included prior to the Fall 2018 release. Click HERE for more information on the Chronic Absenteeism Indicator.
*Changes in Fall 2018 reporting - Data are now available; Safety net methodology (removal of increased sig. and declined sig. from reference grids when fewer than 150 students are cumulatively enrolled) will be applied to the all student results and to results for student groups.
Glossary of Terms
ELA - English Language Arts
English Learners - students who are not yet proficient in speaking, reading and writing in the English Language
Socioeconomically disadvantaged/low income - students who fulfill either of the following criteria: neither parent has a high school diploma or the student qualifies for the national free/reduced price lunch program
Result Translation to Color
5x5 reference grids show how performance is translated from the combination of status and change. For some indicators, a single grid can be used in this result translation (like Graduation) regardless of school or LEA type, whereas for others there are a set of reference grids that are relevant only for a given LEA or school type.
Click HERE to view the reference grids for previous releases of the CA School dashboard.
Click HERE to view the reference grids for previous releases of the CA School dashboard.
Additional resources and CDE-generated reports are available using the links below:
For comments or questions about the Oakland School Report Cards, please email Kaia Vilberg at [email protected].