Internal Dashboard List
Below is a list of all dashboards produced by the Data Team at Research, Assessment & Data. Classroom and teacher dashboards are listed first followed by aggregate data for all district/network/school level dashboards. To login, use your OUSD Gmail username ([email protected]) and OUSD Gmail password.
dISTRICT, nETWORK & sCHOOL Dashboards & Reports
Assessment Calendars
- Elementary - Secondary CAASPP Test Completion Rates ELPAC Testing Roster FOSS Participation and Performance Initial ELPAC Tracker Interim Assessment Block (IAB) Participation Interim Assessment Block (IAB) Performance i-Ready Math Interim Assessment 2021-22 Physical Fitness Test Physical Fitness Test Participation 2021-22 Reading Inventory (RI) - Performance - Growth Smarter Balanced (SBAC) TK-5 Literacy Elementary Literacy - Class Grid for Letter ID - Early Literacy Student Profile for Letter ID and SIPPS - Elementary Assessment Data Walls |
Dashboard version of OUSD's Assessment Calendars for 2022-23. Includes district, state, and federal assessments.
Now including CAA Science. Grades K-12 - View aggregate level data for ELPAC testing completion. There are three categories: not started, started and completed testing. Student lists are available with detailed demographics and testing data to support Testing Coordinators with implementation. Additional classroom information is available for students in supplemental/in-person instruction. Grades 3-5, 8 - FOSSMap participation and performance level data by district and school. Grades K-12 - Track progress Initial ELPAC Completion. Dashboard is updated at least once a week. Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 - IAB participation and assessment results by district, network and schools. Student level data available via download. User permissions in place. Grades 3-8 and 11 - This dashboard allows School Site and District Leaders to view scores for students in Grades 3-8 and Grade 11 who took these tests each Spring since 2015. Data shown here is both the overall student performance level for ELA and Math, as well as the performance level for the claim, or unit subscore, in different dimensions of the test. There is no scaled score for the claims. Dashboards include the following views: Results from the Reading and Math diagnostic assessments, student use of i-Ready Reading and Math lessons, including completion and pass rates, Results from the district Reading and Math i-Ready Standards Mastery interim assessments, and students completing lessons by subject and domain Participation and performance data for the Math Interim Assessment. Grade 5, 7, and 9 - The main goal of the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. The PFT is made up of six different fitness areas (aerobic capacity, body composition, abdominal strength, trunk extensor strength, upper body strength, and flexibility). These dashboards visualize the percent and number of students who are performing in the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ): desired performance standard that represents the level of fitness associated with good health. Grades 2-12 - Student performance/growth on SRI by district, network, school and student subgroup. Reports include: Performance of students in each performance band and their claim scores, Scores for current students in Grades 4 and above, DFS is a measure of how far away a student's score is from the score needed to meet standards for grade level, Scores for SBAC Writing. View dashboards from the district's early literacy assessments. Reports include: school and classroom summaries, most recent SIPPS mastery test summary, student data wall, SIPPS data wall, SIPPS student-level monthly summary, and downloadable custom spreadsheets. |
Attendance & Discipline
Grades TK-12 - Chronically absent students are students who miss more than 10% of school days. The Chronic Absence dashboard shows 4 years of data for students who have satisfactory attendance, or are at risk, moderately or severely chronically absent.
Grades TK-12 - Suspensions in this case refer to out-of-school suspensions, not on-campus suspensions or office referrals that do not result in removing a student from school. This dashboard also includes information disaggregated by offense class, a running total of suspension incident by month for the past four years, and student level data on the referral person, location, motivation, time, and comments when available. Data is updated daily. Grades TK-12 - Suspensions in this case refer to out-of-school suspensions, not on-campus suspensions or office referrals that do not result in removing a student from school. This dashboard also includes information on the average and total number of days suspended. Data is updated daily. Grades TK-12 - This dashboard includes URF data on out of school suspensions and office referrals. There is a URF completeness graph that shows how complete the universal referral forms are for office referrals and suspensions. Data is updated daily. |
Early Childhood Education
The EDI is a community snapshot of children’s health, development, and school readiness. The results inform place-based planning to optimize healthy development for all young children.
The OUSD Preschool Experience Study explores the kinds of early learning experiences OUSD students had prior to enrolling in OUSD Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten in 2016-17 classrooms. |
English Language Learners
Avant, DRA, & EDL
Biliteracy Pathway Awards ELL Progress Monitoring ELL Progress Monitoring - Distance From Criteria ELL Progress Monitoring - Scatter Plot ELL Student Snapshot ELPAC Growth Flat Slide ELPAC Performance Levels (Initial) ELPAC Performance Levels (Summative) Newcomer Early Warning Newcomer District Entry Date Newcomer Totals Newcomer Proportions Newcomer Program Capacity Middle School High School Progress Towards Seal of Biliteracy Reclassification Rates (New) Archive Historic Reclassification Rates |
Gradess 3-8 - The goal of OUSD's Dual Language pathway is to afford students the opportunity to become fully bilingual and biliterate. To monitor language development in Spanish, OUSD uses the Avant Stamp assessment which assesses student's skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Grades K, 3, 5, and 8 - Student level progress towards the Biliteracy Pathway Awards. Grades K-12 - View enrollment data by overall fluency and fluency subgroups next to priority data related to ELL progress: IELPAC participation, ELPAC growth, Lexile scores, and reclassification rates all in one dashboard. Grades K-12 - Designed specifically for school site leads and teachers, view student roster with data on how far a student is from reclassification criteria. Access to this report is slower for central office staff. Grades K-12 - Designed specifically for school site leads and teachers, view how far a student is from reclassification criteria spatially in a scatter plot format. Grades K-12 - One pagers for student, family, and teacher conversations about reclassification goals. Look up a report one student at a time. Growth - Student improved one or more performance levels, OR student remains at the top performance level in both years. Flat - Student remained at the same performance level in both years. Slide - Student decreased one or more performance levels. Grades K-12 – View assessment data by performance level for each section of the IELPAC. Grades K-12 – View assessment data by performance level for each section of the ELPAC. Grades 9-12 - View end of semester 1 data on early warning indicators for Newcomer students. Will be updated for 2021-22 school year. Grades K-12 - This dashboard shows the total number of Newcomer students by district entry date into OUSD. Grades K-12 - View the total number of Newcomers by district, network, school or demographics. Grades K-12 - View percent of Newcomers proportional to total student counts by district, network, school or demographics. Grades 6-12 - These dashboards compare the total number of newcomers enrolled in designated newcomer programs to the projected number of newcomers. Grades 12 - View each student's progress towards the Seal of Biliteracy. Grades K-12 - The most recently available reclassification rates. Grades K-12 - Reclassification rates based on old criteria and cutpoints. |
Enrollment & Maps
Grades TK-12 - District, network and school enrollment facts including percent and number of students by English fluency, ethnicity, gender, Special Ed, foster, and Free/Reduced Free Lunch. View historical enrollment trends since 2011. A map of students is available to authorized users. Data is updated daily.
Grades 5, 6, 8, and 9 - Use these dashboards to identify which schools our grade 5 and 8 students go to for middle and high school and which elementary and middle schools our grade 6 and 9 students came from. OUSD Live/Go Data & Maps are an annual tabular and visual representation of where Oakland students live and where they attend school. Every year, OUSD runs an enrollment lottery for student placement across the district for the following school year. Families submit applications for their top choices in the winter and receive a school assignment offer letter in the spring. Families can elect to accept or decline the assignment generated by the lottery. Note that all applicants are also placed on waitlists for those schools that they ranked higher than the school for which they received an offer. In the 2018-19 school year, we began running multiple lotteries following the initial lottery run. These were created to ensure that unclaimed seats from the initial lottery would be available to families who submitted applications after the first lottery deadline. Grades TK-12 - Use these reports to view maps of schools. Registration data confirmation status. Parents are expected to confirm 5 modules to be confirmed: family information, student information, contacts, authorizations, and final data confirmation. Grades K-12 - Shows enrollment and attendance in summer programs in OUSD, including intervention, enrichment, special ed, and summer bridge programs. View the summer program directory for a complete list of programs. Recommend list of students for summer learning. |
Fast Facts & Infographics
Grades K-5 - Oakland Unified School District's Prescott Elementary School celebrated 150 years of educating students with a sesquicentennial celebration on Saturday, May 4, 2019. Learn more about one of OUSD's oldest schools with our 150 Years of Prescott timeline and fact sheet.
Grades K-12 - Fast Facts was designed to give you quick access to basic numbers and information on OUSD. What is our total enrollment? What is our total number of schools? What percentage of our student population is eligible for free or reduced price lunch? All these answers and more can be found on our simple to use infographic. Schools map included. Grades K-12 - There are three pages highlighting students. Page 1 contains information for all unhoused McKinney-Vento eligible students; page 2 contains information for all Unhoused Non-Newcomer McKinney-Vento eligible students; page 3 contains information for all Unhoused Newcomer McKinney-Vento eligible students. Grades K-12 - Did you know that the Yemeni American community has long been established in Oakland, California? Did you know that Yemeni students are the 3rd largest group of newcomers in Oakland Unified School District? Do you know how many Yemeni students speak Arabic in OUSD? Can you point to Yemen on a map? Learn more about Yemeni students enrolled at OUSD with this brand new fact sheet. |
Fiscal Transparency
These dashboards display budget and fiscal data. There are five tabs (Glossary, Revenues, Expenditures Overview, Expenditure Code Deep Dive, and Expenditures Build Your Own) that allow you to explore both revenues and expenses divided in a variety of ways.
Human Capital
Analytics |
All Staff Dashboard
2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 All Staff Retention Survey 2019 2018 2021 Hiring Season Summary Staff Retention Talent Tools Teacher Credentials Report Teacher Data 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 |
View aggregated staff and position information; authorized users can also create custom staff lists, and research staff credentials and due for evaluation status for OEA members. This dashboard replaces the Due for Eval dashboard that released to school leaders in August to assist with developing evaluation caseloads; this information is now available on the 'OEA DueForEval' tab.
This dashboard displays analyses of retention of different staff groups. There are three districtwide analyses: retention by bargaining unit, retention of school leaders, and retention of teachers. There is also a deeper dive analysis into teacher retention at school sites. Certificated hiring season summary reports for multiple years in PDF format. This dashboard displays analyses of retention of different staff groups. There are three districtwide analyses: retention by bargaining unit, retention of school leaders, and retention of teachers. There is also a deeper dive analysis into teacher retention at school sites. Audit and reference tools for Talent Staff. Provides information on the credential statuses of all teachers. By providing information on OUSD teachers and their credentials, the teacher credentials report can inform discussions about supports needed around credentialing. Available as PDFs. This dashboard provides access to OUSD teacher data at the aggregate level, with detail at the teacher level for authorized users. Data can be viewed districtwide or by particular networks or funding sites. Data points included are contract status, due for evaluation, salary step as a proxy for years experience, ethnicity, gender, and PEC. There is also a tab on credentials and assignments for authorized users. |
Post Secondary Readiness
Grade 8 - A new metric introduced in August 2015, High School readiness measures the degree to which 8th grade students are prepared for the rigor and expectations of high school. The combination of attendance, behavior, and course grades is used to gauge middle school students’ likelihood to succeed in high school. Calculated at the district, school, and subgroup level for school years 2011-12 through 2014-15. Grade 8 - This dashboard allows School Site and District Leaders to view scores for current students in Grades 8. TBD TBD Groups middle to high school transitions into the following categories: no longer enrolled in OUSD, enrolled in different OUSD school, enrolled in different OUSD school graduated, enrolled in same school, and enrolled in same school graduated. |
Percent of 12th grade graduates who met the A-G / College Entrance Requirements, a sequence of high school courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be minimally eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU). Data comes from the California Department of Education and is available for graduates between 2012 and 2014. Grades 10-12 - See AP course enrollment and performance as well as AP exam participation and performance data. This dashboard was created to assist with the annual student level data entry required for the CAPAAR. The data provided here comes from Aeries and should be used as a guide rather than a definitive source. You may have records or knowledge of a particular student that is more accurate than what is provided here. Grade 12 - Percent and number of OUSD high school students who graduated, dropped out, or are still enrolled in school four years after entering 9th grade. OUSD graduation data comes from recently released student-level data sets from the California Department of Education, which tracks public school enrollments statewide to see if students who departed during high school graduated in another school district. This dashboard is based on National Student Clearinghouse data and shows the percent of OUSD graduates that enrolled in college within one year of graduating high school. The data is broken down by 2 year and 4 year college and can be viewed by graduating high school, pathway enrollment, and subgroup. The second tab allows the user to see how many students enrolled in college by specific college name. TBD Grades 9-12 - This dashboard shows course and grade data for students who took college courses on a high school campus. This dashboard will be updated as more complete data becomes available. Grades 10-12 - Percent of high school students participating in career pathways. Pathways are a set of high school courses and work-based learning experiences that link academic learning to real world careers and college majors. Calculated at the district, school, and subgroup level for school years 2011-12 through 2014-15. TBD Grade 10-12 - Most students take the SAT in the spring of 11th grade or in the fall of 12th grade and many students take it more than once. Individual SAT scores are compiled using the College Board Score Choice reporting policy which calculates the highest score earned for each section (Evidence Based Reading and Writing, and Mathematics) across multiple sittings. Students earning a score of 480 or higher in Reading/Writing and 530 or higher in Math are considered to be "college ready." Total enrollment is based on Aeries active end of year enrollment. Grade 12 - The Senior Survey was conducted at the end of the 2014-15 school year. Students self reported about their high school experience as well as future college and career plans. Grades 9-12 - Work Based Learning Dashboard now available! Work Based Learning (WBL) allows students to apply their classroom learning in professional settings and gain real-world experience in the process. Students learn what it takes to thrive in the professional world through partnerships with local employers that offer internships, mentoring, job shadows and similar opportunities. This dashboard captures WBL activities reported by school sites in the 2017-18 school year and can show counts of individual students or individual activities. TBD |
Grades 9-12 - View course grades by marking period for all High School students from 2014-15 to the present. Dashboard contains filters that allow users to disaggregate by Subject, Course, Pathway, and A-G. Grade 6-12 - Designed to support schools in identifying students who are at risk of dropping out of school. Students are identified as at risk of dropping out based on course grades in Math and ELA, full day attendance rates, and suspension data. Grade 9-12 - This dashboard allows users to view and compare average GPA by year, school, pathway, and subgroup. Additionally, the historical view shows GPA trends over time for the selected group. Grade 9-12 - Designed to identify students who are on track to meet the OUSD graduation requirement of 230 credits and a 2.0 GPA by the end of 12th grade. Alternately, the dashboard can be used to identify students who are off-track due to low credits, GPA, or both. Credit cutoffs for each grade level and semester are based on the assumption that a student will earn 30 credits per semester. Currently, the dashboard only accounts for total credits earned and not credits earned in individual subject areas. Grades 9-12 - This dashboard is designed to assist in helping students meet the OUSD Graduation requirements and the UC/CSU entrance requirements. This is not an official transcript as it does not include all student coursework. |
Annual Student Authorizations
COVID-19 In-Person Cases 2021-22 COVID-19 Student Vaccinations & Exemptions COVID-19 Student Vaccination COVID-19 Testing 2021-22 Data Confirmation Completion LCFF unduplicated student counts and percentages Schedule View Student AERIES Device Checkout Student Technology Access Summary 2021-22 Tech Check Survey Completion Archived Dashboards for 2020-21 school year: COVID-19 In-Person Cohort Case Dashboard 2020-21 COVID-19 Food/Resource Distribution COVID-19 Surveys COVID-19 Mandatory Student Preferences for TK-5 COVID-19 Mandatory Student Preferences for Secondary COVID-19 Response Efforts by the Numbers COVID-19 Safety and Facility Readiness Dashboard COVID-19 School Capacity Planner Priority Students Dashboard Student Technology Access Summary 2020-21 |
Student list of parent authorizations and acknowledgements.
Data includes OUSD-run indoor in-person hybrid support hub programs for TK-12 schools, early childhood, and the young adult programs. Student level vaccination and exemption data. Summary student vaccination data with map and bar charts. Weekly COVID-19 testing at school sites. Confirmation of 6 modules for each student. Estimated counts. This dashboard was created to allow users to input a list of student IDs and then get out a list of students who are enrolled in the same classes. View hardware/device checkout data per student. Aggregate level data for student access to technology. Shows # and % of students who completed the Tech Check Survey. Authorized users can click on the bar to drill down to the student list. |
Special Education
Review number of overdue IEPs by School and Case Manager.
This dashboard provides counts of students with IEPs. Track discrepancies in SEIS. TBD The purpose of this survey is to understand SPED students access and interest in participating in extracurricular activities during or after school. List of students with mismatched program and SPED Type in SEIS |
Strategic Planning & Accountability
Oakland's California School Dashboard Results
CORE Growth Model Results Disproportionality Oakland Public School Report Cards Strategic Regional Analysis (SRA) Vital Signs of Student Learning Dashboard Weekly Engagement Reports Archive School Performance Framework (SPF) Weekly Engagement Report - 2019-20 |
View the state accountability results on all available measures for a selected school or district. Additional resources and CDE-generated reports will be available here following the public release:
The CORE growth percentile is a number from 0 to 100 that reflects the impact of a school on student's Smarter Balanced (SBAC) English Language Arts and Math scores while controlling factors such as student demographics, school demographic concentrations, and prior student SBAC scores. This dashboard looks at the over/under representation of students receiving at least one office referral and at least one suspension by ethnicity for four student groups; all students, foster youth, homeless youth, and students receiving special education services. All student numbers are from flags in Aeries. In early 2017, the state of California released a new system to measure school performance called the California School Dashboard. This system provides results for every public school in the state along a set of multiple measures in academics and culture/climate. The Oakland Public School Report Card is our attempt to provide you with the same performance results as the California School Dashboard, but in an easier to use format. Below, you can view the report card for any of the public schools in Oakland. The Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Strategic Regional Analysis (SRA) is an annual analysis of trends in performance, demographics, school choice, and capacity utilization, highlighting regions and their most immediate needs, integral to the development, maintenance and enhancement of Community Quality Schools. Shared factors for students and families living in different parts of Oakland with respect to income/poverty, language, race/ethnicity and culture were examined to delineate regional boundaries. Grades K-12 - Vital signs are key indicators of student progress towards our annual goals. Weekly attendance, chronic absence and suspension data. |
Wellness, Culture & Climate
2015-16 and later survey results for OUSD's family of surveys: student, staff and parent.
Includes diabetes, severe allergies, seizures, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, asthma, hemophilia, and adrenal gland disorder. Grades TK-12 - A COST is a school site multidisciplinary team that provides early identification, intervention, service coordination and monitoring of progress for students experiencing academic, attendance, behavior/social, or health problems that impact school success. View COST referrals and referred services at district, network, and school level by student demographics. Data updated monthly. Grades K-12 - Restorative Justice (RJ) is a set of principles and practices to build community and respond to student misconduct, with the goals of repairing harm and restoring relationships between those impacted. View processes and students served at district, network and school level by student demographics. Data updated weekly. |