Survey Advisory Group
Revising the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS)
for 2021-22
Q. What is OUSD's Survey Advisory Group?
The Survey Advisory Group was created in 2020 to address the need for a way to gather input on revisions to our comprehensive student survey, administered each Spring. For the 2021-22 school year, the group will meet 4 times starting Friday September 10th*. Meetings will be held every other Friday at 11am, with the last meeting occurring on October 22, 2021. The schedule and planned agenda for each meeting is given below. This is the zoom link for the meetings. *Note that the first meeting was pushed back 2 weeks to allow for staff to attend a COVID training. Now the meeting series will run from September 10 to October 22.
The Survey Advisory Group was created in 2020 to address the need for a way to gather input on revisions to our comprehensive student survey, administered each Spring. For the 2021-22 school year, the group will meet 4 times starting Friday September 10th*. Meetings will be held every other Friday at 11am, with the last meeting occurring on October 22, 2021. The schedule and planned agenda for each meeting is given below. This is the zoom link for the meetings. *Note that the first meeting was pushed back 2 weeks to allow for staff to attend a COVID training. Now the meeting series will run from September 10 to October 22.
Q. What is OUSD's comprehensive survey?
The California Healthy Kids Survey is an anonymous survey of youth resiliency, school climate and risk behaviors administered in districts all over California. More 900,000 students take the survey statewide. The California Department of Education (CDE) first funded CHKS in 1997 to provide data that would assist schools in promoting positive youth development and school climates, which research has shown promotes student learning and motivation. CHKS also has two companion surveys that we administer to families and staff: the California School Parent Survey and the California School Staff Survey.
The California Healthy Kids Survey is an anonymous survey of youth resiliency, school climate and risk behaviors administered in districts all over California. More 900,000 students take the survey statewide. The California Department of Education (CDE) first funded CHKS in 1997 to provide data that would assist schools in promoting positive youth development and school climates, which research has shown promotes student learning and motivation. CHKS also has two companion surveys that we administer to families and staff: the California School Parent Survey and the California School Staff Survey.
Q. Who takes the survey?
Typically, 5th–12th graders take the survey. OUSD’s alternative and continuation schools survey all students, and large high schools have surveyed all grades in support of special grants. We also survey parents and school-based staff.
Typically, 5th–12th graders take the survey. OUSD’s alternative and continuation schools survey all students, and large high schools have surveyed all grades in support of special grants. We also survey parents and school-based staff.
Q. How long has OUSD administered this comprehensive survey?
OUSD has administered the student survey since 1999, and the parent and staff survey since 2011-12. CHKS is our official District survey and our primary method of gathering feedback from students, staff, and parents.
OUSD has administered the student survey since 1999, and the parent and staff survey since 2011-12. CHKS is our official District survey and our primary method of gathering feedback from students, staff, and parents.
Q. How frequently is the survey administered?
Since 2011-12, OUSD has surveyed students every year in the spring (February-April). In prior years, the student survey was administered every other year.
Since 2011-12, OUSD has surveyed students every year in the spring (February-April). In prior years, the student survey was administered every other year.
Q. What does the student survey ask about?
It asks questions about school connectedness, developmental supports and opportunities, safety, violence and harassment, substance use, and physical and mental health. In addition, OUSD has administered supplementary modules and additional questions that ask detailed questions on specific topics, such as access to health care, sexual behavior, exposure to community violence and social emotional learning. Every other year, OUSD is required to administer a longer version of the survey that includes the standard CHKS questions plus an extended set for which we specifically receive TUPE (Tobacco-Use Prevention Education) grant funding. In the alternate years, we administer a survey that includes the standard CHKS questions plus a more customized set of questions that address the needs of OUSD programs. You can view the questions on the student survey for the 2020-21 school year here. 2021-22 is a TUPE year.
It asks questions about school connectedness, developmental supports and opportunities, safety, violence and harassment, substance use, and physical and mental health. In addition, OUSD has administered supplementary modules and additional questions that ask detailed questions on specific topics, such as access to health care, sexual behavior, exposure to community violence and social emotional learning. Every other year, OUSD is required to administer a longer version of the survey that includes the standard CHKS questions plus an extended set for which we specifically receive TUPE (Tobacco-Use Prevention Education) grant funding. In the alternate years, we administer a survey that includes the standard CHKS questions plus a more customized set of questions that address the needs of OUSD programs. You can view the questions on the student survey for the 2020-21 school year here. 2021-22 is a TUPE year.
Q. How can I view school level data?
At this time, only OUSD employees have access to school level data. If you are an internal employee, please visit this site for school level data:
At this time, only OUSD employees have access to school level data. If you are an internal employee, please visit this site for school level data:
Q. Where can I find older CHKS data?
OUSD CHKS data from 2014-15 and earlier can be found on the website
OUSD CHKS data from 2014-15 and earlier can be found on the website
Q. Where can I learn more about CHKS?
To learn more about CHKS, please visit:
- California Department of Education:
- WestEd:
To learn more about CHKS, please visit:
- California Department of Education:
- WestEd:
For comments or questions about the survey advisory group, please email [email protected].