Contact: Susan Radke, RAD, [email protected]
Department of Research, Assessment & Data |
OUSD Live/Go Data & Maps show where Oakland students live and where they attend school. The latest internal Live/Go Dashboard has been updated to include 2020-21 charter school students. It now contains all currently enrolled district run students, and all charter students as of October 7, 2020.
Contact: Susan Radke, RAD, [email protected]
The 4-Year Cohort Graduation and Dropout Rate Dashboard shows percent and number of OUSD students who completed high school as graduates or non-graduate completers, or who were still enrolled or had dropped out four years after first entering the 9th grade.
The data comes primarily from CALPADS student-level data, and distinguishes the students who graduated meeting UC/CSU "A-G" college entrance requirements. Dashboard "D.I.Y." view lets users disaggregate data by up to 3 of 8 available student subgroups (e.g., ethnicity, newcomer, special ed). Our overall 2020 graduation rate was 72.4%, only slightly lower than the previous year. Contact: James Tharp, Data Analyst, RAD, [email protected] NEW i-Ready Standards Mastery dashboard
The i-Ready Standards Mastery dashboard shows math and reading results from the recent Standards Mastery interims. View data by network, school, teacher, and student group. NEW i-Ready Instruction dashboard The i-Ready Instruction dashboard is designed to support networks and schools to monitor student use of i-Ready lessons. Explore what percent of students are using i-Ready lessons by school, grade, and student group. View how much time students are spending on i-Ready lessons. This dashboard will be updated weekly on Monday morning. UPDATED: i-Ready Diagnostic dashboard The i-Ready Diagnostic dashboard now shows reading and math data current as of 11/30/20. Contact: Rinat Fried, Research Associate 0-8, RAD, [email protected] |
July 2024