For questions about the suspension dashboards, please contact: Jay Tharp, RAD, [email protected].
For OUSD Staff: The Out of School Suspension Incidents dashboard tallies out-of-school suspensions for any offense, regardless of whether a classic "suspendable offense" (code 01 to 26) was cited. The dashboard is now enhanced so that, in the sample image above, a tally of suspensions for "Disrespect" (code 39) can be seen together with the tally of suspensions for "Defiance" (code 06). No longer are codes 27 - 87 tallied simply as "Not Classified" offenses.
For questions about the suspension dashboards, please contact: Jay Tharp, RAD, [email protected].
For OUSD Staff: The Out of School Suspension Incidents dashboard has been enhanced so that it tallies all out-of-school suspensions, regardless of whether a suspendable offense (code 01 to 26) has been cited. For Aeries records from 2015-16 up to the present, all discipline records that have a 'SUSP' disposition are counted.
The Students Receiving OSS Suspensions dashboard has been enhanced in the same manner. Historic reports that used a more restrictive definition of reportable suspension during years 2011-12 through 2016-17 will remain available as "Archive" dashboards. For questions about the suspension dashboards, please contact: Jay Tharp, RAD, [email protected]. For questions about OUSD suspension and discipline practices, please contact: Theresa Clincy, Coordinator, Attendance and Discipline Support Services, [email protected]. For OUSD Staff: The Suspension Incidents interactive dashboard has been enhanced to ease identification of suspendable offenses. Several offenses that had been classified as "Other" have been moved into a new "Harrassment" offense group.
The 'Snapshot' chart allows users to tally suspensions by exact Offense as well as by Offense Group. For questions about the dashboard, please contact: Jay Tharp, RAD, [email protected]. For questions about OUSD suspension and discipline practices, please contact: Theresa Clincy, Coordinator, Attendance and Discipline Support Services, [email protected]. For OUSD staff: The first monthly suspension reports for 2015-16 are online now. Summary reports "Students Receiving Suspensions," and "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents," for YTD (2015-09-30) are shared as PDF files in the Districtwide - Suspension - 2015-16 folder, for access by all OUSD Employees. Supplemental spreadsheets and method notes are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
32 schools recorded OSS incidents to Aeries. Leadership for those sites can find further data detail in two special spreadsheets -- "OSS Suspension Incidents" and "OSS Suspended Students Roster" -- in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. For questions about these reports and related discipline dashboards, please contact James Tharp. Suspension reports for 2014-15 up through the end of May are online now. Summary reports "Students Receiving Suspensions," and "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents," for YTD (2015-05-31) are shared as PDF files in the Districtwide - Suspension - 2014-15 folder, for access by all OUSD Employees. Supplemental spreadsheets and method notes are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
70 schools have recorded OSS incidents to Aeries. Leadership for those sites can find further data detail in two special spreadsheets -- "OSS Suspension Incidents" and "OSS Suspended Students Roster" -- in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. For questions about these reports, please contact James Tharp. Suspension reports for 2014-15 up through the end of April are online now. Summary reports "Students Receiving Suspensions," and "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents," for YTD (2015-04-30) are shared as PDF files in the Districtwide - Suspension - 2014-15 folder, for access by all OUSD Employees. Supplemental spreadsheets and method notes are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
69 schools have recorded OSS incidents to Aeries. Leadership for those sites can find further data detail in two special spreadsheets -- "OSS Suspension Incidents" and "OSS Suspended Students Roster" -- in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. For questions about these reports, please contact James Tharp. Suspension reports for 2014-15 up through the end of March are online now. Summary reports "Students Receiving Suspensions," and "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents," for YTD (2015-03-31) are shared as PDF files in the Districtwide - Suspension - 2014-15 folder, for access by all OUSD Employees. Supplemental spreadsheets and method notes are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
68 schools recorded OSS incidents to Aeries using discipline data entry guidelines aligned with usage of the Universal Discipline Referral Form. Leadership for those sites can find an "OSS Suspended Students Roster" in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. For questions about these reports, please contact James Tharp. Suspension reports for 2014-15 up through the end of February are online now. Summary reports "Students Receiving Suspensions," and "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents," for YTD (2015-02-28) are shared as PDF files in the Districtwide - Suspension - 2014-15 folder, for access by all OUSD Employees. Supplemental spreadsheets and method notes are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
65 schools recorded OSS incidents to Aeries using discipline data entry guidelines aligned with usage of the Universal Discipline Referral Form. Leadership for those sites can find an "OSS Suspended Students Roster" in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. For questions about these reports, please contact James Tharp. Suspension reports for 2014-15 up through the end of January are online now. Summary reports "Students Receiving Suspensions," and "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents," for YTD (2015-01-31) are shared as PDF files in the Districtwide - Suspension - 2014-15 folder, for access by all OUSD Employees. Supplemental spreadsheets and method notes are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
62 schools recorded OSS incidents to Aeries using discipline data entry guidelines aligned with usage of the Universal Discipline Referral Form. Leadership for those sites can find an "OSS Suspended Students Roster" in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. For questions about these reports, please contact James Tharp. Suspension reports for the period through the end of December are online now. Two school-level summary reports for YTD (2014-12-31) are shared as PDF files in the Districtwide - Suspension - 2014-15 folder, for access by all OUSD Employees: "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents" and "Students Receiving OSS Suspensions." Supplemental spreadsheets and method notes are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
62 schools recorded OSS incidents to Aeries using discipline data entry guidelines aligned with usage of the Universal Discipline Referral Form. Leadership for those sites can find an "OSS Suspended Students Roster" in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. For questions about these reports, please contact James Tharp. The year's first Out-of-School Suspension reports cover the period through Sept. 30, 2014. "Out-of-School Suspension Incidents" and "Students Receiving OSS Suspensions" PDF files are shared in the Districtwide - Suspension folder, for access by all OUSD Employees. Supplemental materials are also shared there, in the "Suspension Report Companion Spreadsheets" Excel workbook.
37 schools recorded OSS incidents to Aeries using new discipline data entry guidelines aligned with usage of the Universal Discipline Referral Form. Leadership for those sites can find an "OSS Suspended Students Roster" in their school's Protected Student Level Data folder. The 2014-15 discipline data entry guidelines distinguish OSS from In-School (ISS) Suspensions. As clarified in recent Professional Development sessions for school site leadership conducted by Theresa Clincy and Barb McClung, both kinds of suspension are denoted with an infraction code between 1 and 25. Further, OSS incidents must include a 'SUSP' disposition code; ISS incidents must include one of the following disposition codes: 'SUSPIN', 'SUSPTI', or 'SUSPCL'. For questions about these reports, please contact James Tharp. |
July 2024