For questions about this dashboard, please contact Kevin Schmidke at kevin[email protected].
For OUSD Staff: the On Track to Graduate dashboard has been updated to reflect GPA changes and credits earned after the first semester.The dashboard identifies high school students who are on-track to meet OUSD graduation requirement of 230 credits and a 2.0 GPA by the end of 12th grade. It also identifies students who are off-track for total credits earned, GPA, or both.
For questions about this dashboard, please contact Kevin Schmidke at kevin[email protected].
For OUSD Staff: the Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) dashboard is now up-to-date with Mid-Year results from Jan 4 to Feb 12. Test takers include all grades 3-8 students and students enrolled in Algebra I except those enrolled in a Moderate/Severe Handicapped (L2) Math course and web-based APEX Algebra 1 course.
For questions about this dashboard, please contact Kevin Smith at kevin[email protected]. For OUSD Staff: The Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) dashboard is now up-to-date with Mid-Year results from Jan 4 to Feb 12. Test takers include all grades 2-12 students except those enrolled in a Moderate/Severe Handicapped English course and Newcomer English Learner students.
For questions about this dashboard, please contact Kevin Smith at kevin[email protected]. For OUSD Staff: the Early Warning for Dropout Dashboard is now available with new data for Semester 1. Indicators are: 2 or more suspensions; 80% or less attendance; "F" in in core English or Math courses.
For questions about this dashboard, please contact Kevin Smith at kevin[email protected]. For use by the public and OUSD staff: Our new Enrollment Dashboard is now available!
These enrollment dashboards are based on official enrollment numbers from the state."Official enrollment" refers to the number released by the California Department of Education in the Spring of the academic year. The number is based on an enrollment list that OUSD submits to the state as of the first Wednesday in October. This is the annual school census day throughout California. What happens between Fall and Spring? The October data file is cleaned up so it is as accurate as possible. Use these dashboards to view data across multiple years for both district-run schools and district-authorized charter schools. Explore CDE data as far back as the 2000-01 academic year* with enrollment disaggregated by grade, gender, and ethnicity. *School location data in the Enrollment Map is available starting in the 2009-10 academic year. For any additional questions about these dashboards, please contact James Tharp at [email protected] or Rattana Yeang at rattana[email protected]. For OUSD Staff: The Comprehensive Student Data Roster is a student-level Excel spreadsheet containing as many as 100 data points for each pupil. A school-wide CSDR is available for download for each of OUSD's 86 district-operated schools. NOTE: You must be signed into your OUSD Gmail in order to access the "Protected Student Level Data" folder. If you're having trouble viewing this folder, please contact Rattana Yeang at for support.
The CSDR draws from separate data sources to bring together: 1. Demographics 2. Enrollment (current school, pathway, class schedule) 3. English language fluency subgroups 4. Assessment score series from State and District Assessments 5. Engagement metrics (attendance and suspension data) New or updated metrics on student performance include: 1. College & Career Readiness: A-G Credits and GPA are updated with Fall Semester results 2. Annual CELDT results 3. Math Benchmark Assessment results Full list in the CSDR Guide What additional resources are there? 1. Guide to CSDR data points 2. "Make the Most of Excel" guide to exploiting the CSDR 3. Videos on how to filter, sort, and print, in Excel 4. OUSD Data Request for your specific questions What else should I know? Multi-school editions of CSDR can be quickly compiled for Central Office Leadership. The next edition of the CSDR will be published March 21 and will include: Mid-Year assessment results for: F&P/DRA, SRI, SMI, Elementary Math. Need 1 on 1 support? We can visit your site to give you a personal consultation on how to get the most out of your CSDR. To request a site visit, email us at [email protected]. For OUSD Staff: the new OUSD Summer Dashboard is now available. View the dashboard to see all the programs hosted by OUSD sites in the summer of 2015, including intervention, enrichment, special ed and summer bridge programs. Visit the program directory for a complete list of programs and sites, and the attendance dashboard to view enrollment and attendance by program.
For questions about this dashboard, please contact Rinat Fried at rinat[email protected]. For OUSD Staff: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Requirement dashboards are now available. This dashboard visualizes summary data on students who meet the CELDT requirement for reclassification. For Grades TK-2, English Language Learners must score no less than a 4 or 5 in every section of the CELDT. For Grades 3-12, students must score a 4 or 5 overall, with no less than a 3 in any other section of the CELDT.
For questions about this dashboard, please contact Rattana Yeang at rattana[email protected]. For OUSD staff: California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Growth/Flat/Slide dashboards are now available. This dashboard compares annual assessment performance level data from one academic year to performance level data from the previous academic year for each section of the CELDT (listen, speak, read, write, and overall). Example: 2015-16 results compare data from 2015-16 to 2014-15. 2014-15 results compare data from 2014-15 to 2013-14. 2013-14 results compare data from 2013-14 to 2012-13...etc. Growth/Flat/Slide is defined below:
Growth - Student improved one or more CELDT levels or remained at CELDT level 5 in both years. Flat - Student remained at the same CELDT level in both years, not including CELDT levels 1 and 5. Slide - Student decreased one or more CELDT levels or remained at CELDT level 1 in both years. For questions about this dashboard, please contact Rattana Yeang at rattana[email protected]. |
July 2024