Contact: Rinat Fried, Research Associate, RAD, [email protected]
Department of Research, Assessment & Data |
Data Walls in Illuminate are now updated with fall 2020-21 assessments. The K-2 Data Wall includes i-Ready, SIPPS, Letter ID, and for dual language schools, Letter Sound, DRA and EDL. The Grade 3-5 Data Wall now includes i-Ready and the SRI, as well as the Avant and DRA/EDL for dual language schools. These data walls download easily to Excel.
Contact: Rinat Fried, Research Associate, RAD, [email protected]
Literacy Data Walls are ready for teachers, coaches, and principals on Illuminate! To view the reports just click on the orange tiles in Illuminate. These one-click reports allow users to see student assessment results from last year.
Grades 1-3 Data Wall contains students most recent SIPPS mastery test, F&P, letter name, letter sound, blending, segmenting and sight words Grade 4 & 5 Data Wall shows students' midyear and fall F&P, SRI and IAB. Click the Excel icon to export to Google Drive. Contact: Rinat Fried, Research Associate, RAD, [email protected] For OUSD Staff: Three New Dashboards for Foundational Skills and Sight Words. Visit the teacher portal for three new item-level dashboards covering early literacy skills and sight words. Class Grid gives teachers a visual red-green overview of which letter names, letter sounds and sight words each of their students has and has not mastered. Student Profile provides a one-pager for each student with their testing history on each of the foundational skills. This is a great one to share with parents at parent-teacher conferences. Skills & Sight Words Student Groups generates a list of students in each class who has not yet mastered a letter name, letter sound, or sight word for easy grouping.
Contact: Rinat Fried, Data Analyst, RAD, [email protected] For OUSD Staff: This dashboard shows average growth on the F&P reading assessment for elementary students. Explore whether your students are meeting or exceeding annual growth targets and compare growth rates for students at different performance levels. F&P Growth Student List gives you growth data by student.
Contact: Rinat Fried, Research Associate, RAD, [email protected] For OUSD Staff: The F&P Dashboard, now up to date with midyear data, features data dashboards designed for teachers. Please click links below to explore.
For OUSD Staff: The F&P, DRA and EDL Dashboard is up to date with midyear data as of March 25,
2019. F&P Reading Groups is a new dashboard that allows teachers to see their students grouped by F&P Reading level. Teachers can also hover over a students' name to see the students' F&P history. Contact: Juan Du, Director of Analytics, RAD, [email protected] |
July 2024