Contact: Keith Welch, RAD, [email protected]
Department of Research, Assessment & Data |
Are you interested in exploring data on Kindergarten readiness in OUSD? Are you a Kindergarten teacher who filled out Early Development Instrument (EDI) questionnaires on your students in January? Click here to view EDI results for students at your school and for OUSD overall. Click here to learn more about the EDI.
Contact: Keith Welch, RAD, [email protected]
RAD's student-level "database in a spreadsheet" was updated on Monday, November 2, from fresh Aeries enrollment rosters. Fresh reading scores (from i-Ready and Reading Inventory) and course grades are included. Details about the 100+ data points included in CSDR.
CSDR is updated six times per year in a schoolwide edition Comprehensive Student Data Roster Guide and broken-down-by-Teacher edition. It is available by request from RAD Student Data Requests and Consultations. Contact: Juan Du, Executive Director, Research, Assessment and Data, [email protected] Data Walls in Illuminate are now updated with fall 2020-21 assessments. The K-2 Data Wall includes i-Ready, SIPPS, Letter ID, and for dual language schools, Letter Sound, DRA and EDL. The Grade 3-5 Data Wall now includes i-Ready and the SRI, as well as the Avant and DRA/EDL for dual language schools. These data walls download easily to Excel.
Contact: Rinat Fried, Research Associate, RAD, [email protected] McKinney-Vento Fact Sheets for 2019-20 School Year are now available.
There are three pages highlighting students available: Pg. 1 contains info for all unhoused McKinney-Vento eligible students Pg. 2 contains info for all unhoused Non-Newcomer McKinney-Vento eligible students Pg. 3 contains info for all unhoused Newcomer McKinney-Vento eligible students. Contact: Christina McClain, Data Analyst, RAD, [email protected] Monitor which high-absence students have received an attendance intervention, when the latest took place, and those who still need one. Keep track of all attendance interventions each student has received and their attendance before and after each intervention date. Misha Karigaca says this Dashboard is a MUST for every attendance team!
Contact: Kevin Smith, RAD, [email protected] Literacy Data Walls are ready for teachers, coaches, and principals on Illuminate! To view the reports just click on the orange tiles in Illuminate. These one-click reports allow users to see student assessment results from last year.
Grades 1-3 Data Wall contains students most recent SIPPS mastery test, F&P, letter name, letter sound, blending, segmenting and sight words Grade 4 & 5 Data Wall shows students' midyear and fall F&P, SRI and IAB. Click the Excel icon to export to Google Drive. Contact: Rinat Fried, Research Associate, RAD, [email protected] The Access to Tech Device and Internet Dashboard provides summary and student level data based on U1 field in Aeries.
The Tech Check Survey Completion Dashboard tracks # of students who have completed the Tech Check Survey. The Tech Device Tracker Dashboard tracks the distribution of district computers and hotspots to our students. Contact: Juan Du, Executive Director, Research, Assessment and Data, [email protected] Daily updated from Aeries, Enrollment dashboards for internal OUSD staff offer disaggregation by school, network, grade level, and a dozen demographic dimensions. New demographic dimensions tracked for 2020-21: EL_Year and EL_Year_Group (from Aeries LAC.YEL), and Newcomer (from Aeries LAC.U5). A DIY (do-it-yourself) dashboard is available for your further exploration.
Contact: Jay Tharp, Data Analyst, Research, Assessment and Data, The Access to Tech Device and Internet Dashboard provides summary and student level data based on U1 field in Aeries.
The Tech Check Survey Completion Dashboard tracks # of students who have completed the Tech Check Survey. The Tech Device Tracker Dashboard tracks the distribution of district computers and hotspots to our students. Contact: Juan Du, Executive Director, Research, Assessment and Data, [email protected] A new dashboard giving status on Registration Data Confirmations overall by district and school and for each student is now available. Dashboards differentiate between students whose Confirmation Status is Confirmed, Partially Confirmed and Not Started. For each school and the district as a whole. Filters also available for Grade, Home Language and SDC (Special Day Class) Status.
Contact: Kevin Smith, Data Analyst II, RAD, [email protected] For Principals and Site Leaders - CSDR -- Comprehensive Student Data Roster -- RAD's student-level "database in a spreadsheet" was updated on Monday, June 21, with final EOY/Spring Semester grades, attendance and suspension data. Several assessments were of course cancelled due to school closures.
CSDR is also now available for your Fall 2020 "Rising-6th" or "Rising-9th" students. CSDR is updated six times per year in the standard school-wide edition and in a broken-down-by-Teacher edition. Available by request from RAD Student Data Requests and Consultations. Contact: Juan Du, Director of Analytics, [email protected] For Principals and Site Leaders - CSDR -- Comprehensive Student Data Roster -- RAD's student-level "database in a spreadsheet" was updated on Monday, March 9, with secondary Spring Marking Period 1 course grades, YTD attendance and YTD suspension data.
Mid-Year (Winter) scores are included for: reading assessment scores from F&P, DRA, Reading Inventory and SBAC Interim IABs, plus math assessment scores from IABs and Math Inventory. Details about the 100+ data points included in CSDR. CSDR is updated six times per year in a schoolwide edition and in a broken-down-by-Teacher edition. It is available by request from RAD Student Data Requests and Consultations. Contact: Juan Du, Director of Analytics, [email protected] A-G Completion Rates dashboard now has Class of 2019 data. 1121 OUSD graduates fulfilled the A-G breadth requirements for UC/CSU entry -- our highest number ever. The graduating class was also our largest -- 2090 scholars. These official statistics from the California Department of Education can be disaggregated by school or career pathway, and by key demographic variables. A version of this dashboard is available to the public.
Contact Jay Tharp, RAD, [email protected]. Final updates to Fast Facts 2019-20 are now available. Fast Facts was designed to give you quick access to basic numbers and information on OUSD. What is our total enrollment? What is our total number of schools? What percentage of our student population is eligible for free or reduced price lunch? All these answers and more can be found on our infographic.
For questions about this infographic, please contact Rattana Yeang at [email protected] For OUSD Staff: The Disproportionality Dashboard has been updated to include calculations from the
beginning of the school year through December 20, 2019. Contact: Christina McClain, Data Analyst II, RAD, [email protected] For OUSD Staff: Participation rates from the Fall implementation are based on fully scored assessments results only. Anyone with OUSD email account can access the report here.
Contact: Rattana Yeang, Data Analyst II, RAD, [email protected] For OUSD Staff: The Period Attendance Dashboards have added to the Tardy Snapshot Dashboard a list of students who have been tardy 25% or more of their attended classes. Ranked in descending order per % of classes tardy and filterable by schedule, date, and demographic data elements.
Contact: Kevin Smith, Data Analyst II, RAD, [email protected] For OUSD Staff: SBAC performance dashboard now includes 2018-19 student scores from the California Science Test (CAST). CAST is taken by students when they are in 5th and 8th grades, and once during high school. This is the first year for CAST scoring. Scores are expressed as Performance Bands and as Scale Scores. (There is no DFS -- distance from standard -- score.)
Contact: Jay Tharp, Data Analyst, RAD, [email protected] For OUSD Staff: Three New Dashboards for Foundational Skills and Sight Words. Visit the teacher portal for three new item-level dashboards covering early literacy skills and sight words. Class Grid gives teachers a visual red-green overview of which letter names, letter sounds and sight words each of their students has and has not mastered. Student Profile provides a one-pager for each student with their testing history on each of the foundational skills. This is a great one to share with parents at parent-teacher conferences. Skills & Sight Words Student Groups generates a list of students in each class who has not yet mastered a letter name, letter sound, or sight word for easy grouping.
Contact: Rinat Fried, Data Analyst, RAD, [email protected] For Principals and Site Leaders - CSDR -- Comprehensive Student Data Roster -- RAD's student-level "database in a spreadsheet" was updated on Friday, January 17, with fresh course grade, attendance and suspension data points from the Fall semester.
Mid-Year (Winter) IAB scores for secondary grade levels are now included. Details about the 100+ data points included in CSDR. CSDR is updated six times per year in a schoolwide edition and in a broken-down-by-Teacher edition. It is available by request from RAD Student Data Requests and Consultations. Contact: Juan Du, Director of Analytics, [email protected] |
July 2024