The Early Warning reports pinpoint grade 6-12 students who are at risk of dropping out. Each Early Warning report assists school leaders in identifying “at risk” students for appropriate interventions aimed at keeping students in school and helping them to persist to graduation.
The reports are based on research found in "An Early Warning System" by Ruth Neild, Robert Balfanz, and Liza Herzog. A secondary student is included in this list if their latest grade in English or Math was an F, their current attendance rate is 80% or less (Severe Chronic Absent), or they have more than one out-of-school suspension for the school year. The reports include ethnicity, gender, disability, home language, fluency and number of years in OUSD for English Learner students. Each secondary school’s report can be found in the “Protected Student Level Data” folder for each school folder on our Google Drive accessible HERE.
For questions about this report, please contact Kevin Smith.