· Percent of “Severe Chronic Absent” (attending 80% or less of school days) for all indicate student groups, as a subset of Chronic Absent.
· Summation by grade level within each school as well as the entire district
· Summation across entire ethnic groups as well as by ethnicity/gender
· Summation of percent chronic absent for groups such as English Learners and by gender
· Breakdown of percent chronic absent by teacher and course for grades K-5
The purpose of Chronic Absence (CA) reports is to inform district leaders at a given point in time (end of the week or month) the number and percent of their presently enrolled students that are chronically absent (attendance rate of 90% or less). This enables principals to monitor their school’s progress in fighting student absenteeism as well as progress for each student with an attendance problem on a weekly basis and enact interventions as needed. Chronic Absence reporting has become integral to OUSD efforts to boost attendance at all grade levels.
For more questions, please contact Kevin Smith.