In each Protected Student Level Data folder you will find a PDF file sorted by teacher and student name. Data points include performance levels from 3 years worth of California English Language Development Test (CELDT), Fall and MidYear Lexiles from the Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI), and Semester 1 ELA and ELD course grades. Because Reading and Writing report card grades at the elementary school level are not readily available to our department, users will need to fill in this information manually.
This report is based on data that will be used to reclassify students during the Spring Reclassification Window. For more detailed student level data, please refer to the Data and Input Forms in our Google Drive. If you have problems accessing these Protected Student Level Data folders, please contact Jessica Riady at [email protected] or Rattana Yeang at [email protected].
For any other comments or questions about this report, please contact Nicole Knight at [email protected] for more information.